Use SPA SDK with Cross-Origin Embeder Policy

Hi all, we are using auth0-spa-js 1.13.6 in our application.

We require the SharedArrayBuffer in our application and therefore we need to set the Browser to cross-origin isolated by adding the following headers:
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp

See Making your website "cross-origin isolated" using COOP and COEP

This breaks the Auth0 SPA SDK, because there is a /authorize request running in an iframe. This iframe does not have any Cross-Origin Resource Policy set.

How could we solve this?

Thanks for any inputs,

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Hi Markus,

We are experiencing the exact same issue, also using a SharedArrayBuffer. Did you find a way to let auth0 include these two CORP headers in the /authorize endpoint?

Hey siebe,

No, but we’ve built a workaround with their change in Disable iframe fallback if browser is in crossOriginIsolated mode · Issue #703 · auth0/auth0-spa-js · GitHub

If we get a login_required exception, e.g., on getTokenSilently(), we do a loginWithRedirect().

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Thanks a lot for the quick reply, Markus.

This indeed seems like a workaround we could use as well. I guess the downside is that you’re never really able to ‘silently’ fetch the token any more? e.g. every time the page is loaded, a redirect to the login page (and back to the main app) happens?

I guess another option would be to set up some proxy service for the authentication, which doesn’t run in isolated mode and

  • either runs on the same origin
  • or adds the necessary CORP headers to the response

But this obviously has some security implications if not implemented well…

Quite a pity that auth0 doesn’t support these CORP settings. Doesn’t seem like a hard thing to do.

(post deleted by author)

100% agree.

depending on your security restrictions, you could e.g., do something with a refresh token in localstorage to improve UX. but take care, there are obvious security issues with this!

  cacheLocation: 'localstorage',
  useRefreshTokens: true,

Indeed. Thanks a lot for the help!

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Hey there @siebe welcome to the community!

Thanks a bunch for sharing your workaround @markus.baumgartner. I did a quick search and it doesn’t look like this exists as feedback yet - It could be worth adding here in order to get it in front of other community members to up vote.
