Use email in custom claim on access token

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I am using auth0 to secure my React.js app and the Node.js API server. It’s all working great. I need to pass the user’s e-mail address in the access token to the backend so I can use the e-mail address in the API server. In React, I can see the email address of the user and use the value in the frontend where I need to. My understanding is that I can do this because I get it from the ID token of the user in the SPA. Then access to the backend is done via an access token. I do not need to control access to the backend APIs other than what the access token already does, but I need to pass the email as a custom claim in the access token so I can use it for certain functions in the backend. I just cannot find the instructions/example of how to create this custom claim. Any help appreciated, thanks!

I got it to work… I was able to create the custom action and use the right template to create the post-login flow. Easy, easy…

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