Updating User Metadata using Single Page Application

Hi there!

We are in the process of building a web app and we would like to know if we can update the user metadata using the API calls to a Client Type that is “Single Page Application” or do we have to create a “Non-Interactive Client” to handle API calls to update the user metadata. We would prefer to have “Single Page Application” to handle our Authentication and also our API calls to update properties of a User Profile (such as user metadata)

Kindly please respond on a method that would be suitable for our web app

Thank you

Depends which way you want to use. Each user can update own user_metadata throug Management API calls. You cann do that directly from the browser using your Single Page Application token.

However if you want to do that for custom user, or if you simply want to do that through your backend (for whatever other reason) - you have to use another client, of type Non-Interactive Client.

@rafal.wrzeszcz This statement - You can or cannot ? " You cann do that directly from the browser using your Single Page Application token."

@hello4 You can, must have made a typo. Here is a documentation for this case Manage Metadata with Lock

@rafal.wrzeszcz This statement - You can or cannot ? " You cann do that directly from the browser using your Single Page Application token."

@hello4 You can, must have made a typo. Here is a documentation for this case Manage Metadata with Lock