Update: Log out doesn’t work and automatically signs in user

Thanks a lot @peterflat for sharing that knowledge with the rest of community!

Can’t mark first post as an answer so will paste it here. Here’s @peterflat knowledge which is a solution to this thread:

-------------------------> Solution <------------------------

This is simply to add my experience to this thread which is now closed.

Log out doesn’t work and automatically sign in

Here is a quick checklist to ensure that your auth0 signout is working:

  1. Ensure that you have your domain url as an “allowed logout URL” in your auth0 application settings.
  2. Ensure that you format your logout request url like this:
  3. Finally the gotcha for me was: If you are using a custom domain for working with auth0.com, logout will not work using YOURTENANT.auth0.com . At least this was the fix for me that I couldn’t find anywhere else.

This means that if you are using mycooldomain.com as custom domain for auth0.com this will work:
but this will not:

Took me a while (too long) to suss that one out.