Unsupported_response_type when using openid connect to Okta


I have an enterprise connection using OpenID Connect and when I try to login, I get an error saying:
“unsupported_response_type (The response type is not supported by the authorization server. Configured response types: [code].)”,

When I look at the openid-configuration of the okta server I see that many response types are supported:

“response_types_supported”: [
“code token”,
“code id_token”,
“token id_token”,
“code token id_token”

and response modes supported are
“response_modes_supported”: [

In our enterprise connection we have set the type to Front Channel. Has anyone encountered this type of problem between Auth0 and Okta before?

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For anyone else who has this problem, here are two solutions to resolve this error:

Option 1, make sure that in general settings the Implicit (hybrid) option and Allow ID Token with implicit grant type are checked

Option 2, switch from a SPA app to a web app and use the client and secret via the back channel in Auth0.