Universal Login w/ Azure AD/Entra ID

I am using the Universal Login screen and if the user enters a domain account, they are redirected over to the Azure Entra ID login page (or if they are authenticated, they bypass that page and are logged directly into the system).

Is it possible to instead of automatically logging in and redirecting back to the system, to require to select which authenticated Microsoft Account they would like to use (like a user selection screen or something) before authenticating them and redirecting back to the system?

We have users who would like the ability to change the selected user they are using to access the system and this would allow them to easily switch.

Yes, it is possible to provide users with the ability to select which authenticated Microsoft Account they would like to use before redirecting them back to your system. To achieve this, you can customize the Universal Login screen using the Auth0 Lock widget or the Auth0 Universal Login Page customization options.

Here’s a high-level approach to implementing this functionality:

  1. Customize the Universal Login Page: You can customize the Universal Login Page to add a user selection screen or any other UI elements you need. This can be done by modifying the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of the Universal Login Page.

  2. Implement User Selection Logic: Add logic to the Universal Login Page to display a list of authenticated Microsoft Accounts for the user to choose from. This could be achieved by retrieving the user’s Microsoft Accounts from the authentication data and rendering them on the user selection screen.

  3. Handle User Selection: Once the user selects a Microsoft Account, you can capture the selection and proceed with the authentication process for the chosen account. This could involve storing the selected user’s details in a session or passing it as a parameter to the authentication flow.

  4. Redirect to Your System: After the user selection and authentication process are completed, redirect the user back to your system with the selected Microsoft Account’s authentication information. This could include the user’s ID or access token.

By customizing the Universal Login Page and implementing the user selection logic, you can provide users with the ability to choose which authenticated Microsoft Account they want to use before being redirected back to your system.

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