"Uncaught TypeError" on the "Universal Login" page

after some changes, we started to get “Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘value’)” on the “Universal Login” page.

And it doesn’t block the UI.

The link in the error leads to the block of code:


I found an additional block of code that leads to the error compared to one of our other tenants that has no this error on the login page:

Does anyone have similar behavior?
Maybe our tenant config is wrong on some points?


we are facing same issue

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Same issue here.
Happens also with the latest version 2.1.0

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We are facing the same issue as well!

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Ugh, we started running into this issue as well and it’s making our cypress E2E tests fail… Please fix this!


We are also facing this issue with our cypress tests :frowning:


We are having the same error on our Cypress tests


It’s a hack, but if you need cypress to pass while dealing with this, catch and muffle the error within your cypress login action (if that is your approach):

    cy.origin('https://auth.your-auth0-domain.com', () => {
      cy.on('uncaught:exception', (e) => {
        if (
          e.message.includes("Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value')")
        ) {
          // we expected this error, so let's ignore it and let the test continue
          return false;
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We have tried this already. Doesn’t seem to work when running in CI

Having the same issue.

Hey there everyone!

Thanks for reporting that! I just reached out to one of our engineering team to troubleshoot that. As soon as I have the answers I’ll make sure to relay them here. Thank you!

Can you confirm what SDK are you using?

Cypress version 12.9.0

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Okay the team is aware of the problem and they are already working on a fix. Will let you know once I have updates to share!

In our case it is @auth0/auth0-spa-js: 1.22.6

The error also appears for the last version 2.0.6 of SDK @auth0/auth0-spa-js.

It’s still not resolved but one of our engineering teams is working on that. Thank you for your patience!

Hey there everyone!

A fix has been merged and should be deployed soon. This seems to only affect automated tests and doesn’t affect authentication itself.

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@konrad.sopala Should we do something in our side to get rid of this error (e.g. maybe upgrading the auth0 package to a specific version? if that’s the case please let us know what version)?

Sure! For now no actions needed.