Unblocking Email

In the event that a user receives an unblock email but fails to click on the unblock link within the specified time frame, what is the process to request another unblocking email? Is there a way for the user to initiate the resend of the unblocking email?

Hey there!

That’s a good question. I just researched the doc on brute force protection and it doesn’t include the answer to your question. Let me confirm it with the team and get back to you shortly!

I’m quite sure it’s undoable from the user’s end but let me confirm all the things.

When I attempted to request another email, I discovered that after an hour, when a user enters the correct login credentials, they receive a new email for unblocking.

Is the one-hour duration configured somewhere?

Confirming that with the team. As soon as I have the information back I’ll make sure to relay it here. Thank you!

So confirmed it with the team that if the blocked end-user tries to login again, we will block the attempt, but we will re-send the end-user email with a new unblock link.

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