I am working on fixing the login for a React SPA app which has trouble logging in with Safari and Brave (w/ shields). I’ve gone through a bunch of community posts (some prior mine) and this, Troubleshoot Renew Tokens When Using Safari, and am still unable to get this to work.
React v18
@auth0 react v2.2.0
How things are setup
redirect_uri: `${window.location.origin}/login-success`,
audience: 'https://api.example2.com,
scopes: 'openid profile email offline_access',
LoginSuccess looks like:
const LoginSuccess = () => {
const { user } = useAuth0();
const { data, loading, error } = useQuery(GET_USER);
let redirect = false;
if (user?.email_verified === false) {
redirect = <Navigate to="/verify-email" />;
if (!loading) {
if (data?.users?.me) {
redirect = <Navigate to="/dashboard" />;
} else {
redirect = <Navigate to="/create-profile" />;
When using Safari or Brave the user
var above is always undefined and thus, useQuery()
never returns a value. All of this is fine on browsers not restricting 3rd party cookies (cross site tracking).
Token rotation is enabled and needed domains have been added to the settings.
We have even setup a custom domain of auth.example.com
and still things aren’t working on these browsers.
If Safari cross site tracking is disabled, or Brave shields are disabled, all works as expected.
I am out of ideas and am hoping someone can help me figure out where things are not setup correct.
fyi, I am not a react developer so my milage there varies.