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I can login with me PHP SDK application but the accesToken is opaque. I read you have to specify an audience to make it not opaque.
In first place I used this:
// Now instantiate the Auth0 class with our configuration:
$auth0 = new \Auth0\SDK\Auth0([
'domain' => getenv('AUTH0_DOMAIN'),
'clientId' => getenv('AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'),
'clientSecret' => getenv('AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET'),
'cookieSecret' => getenv('AUTH0_COOKIE_SECRET'),
Then I tried to specify the audience:
// Now instantiate the Auth0 class with our configuration:
$auth0 = new \Auth0\SDK\Auth0([
'domain' => getenv('AUTH0_DOMAIN'),
'clientId' => getenv('AUTH0_CLIENT_ID'),
'clientSecret' => getenv('AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET'),
'cookieSecret' => getenv('AUTH0_COOKIE_SECRET'),
'audience' => [''],
But my accesToken is still opaque? What do I wrong with specifying the audience? I have seen for React they use the authorizationParams but that also does not like a solution for my problem. At the specified API of the audience I authorized the application at the Machine to Machine tab.