Unable to find Auth Pipelines in the menu

I need to create a rule on Auth0. But according to the documentation and guides, I can’t see any option called Auth Pipelines.
I searched in the search bar. Then it shows the suggestion for rules. But after clicking on it, no any change happening.
What could be the problem?

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Auth0 has deprecated Rules and Hooks in 2024, and they are no longer available to new tenants created as of October 16, 2023. We recommend that you use Actions instead, which is a new way to extend Auth0’s capabilities with JavaScript functions.


If you are using an existing tenant that still has access to Rules and Hooks, you can create a rule by following these steps:

  • Go to Dashboard > Auth Pipeline > Rules and click Create.
  • Select a rule template.
  • Name the rule, modify the script to suit your needs, and click Save Changes.

However, we advise that you migrate your Rules and Hooks to Actions as soon as possible, as they will be deprecated in 2024.

I hope this helps