Unable to authenticate into API


I am trying to follow the example here React with React Router 6 (JavaScript) + ASP.NET Core (C#) Code Sample: Basic Access Control for Hello World Full-Stack App to understand how I can use React with Auh0 and .Net core.

I have followed the instructions on the page, but when I authenticate in passed lock and try and make api calls this is not working and I am getting a 401 response.

Looking further into the example there is nothing that is actually passing over the token to the api, but if I call getAccessTokenSilently and then test the token using postman I still get 401 .

I would be grateful for your support in this matter as I want to use Auth0

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Hi @simonprice33,

I’m here to help!

Is there any more info with the 401 response? Usually a message is included describing why the access token is not being accepted.

Another thing you should try; plug the token in to jwt.io and make sure it has all of the correct scopes and claims.

Let me know!

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