TypeError: (0 , _slug.handler) is not a function - nextjs 12/jest

  1. Next.js 12.3.4 with jest 29.7.0 using /src/pages/api/some/endpoint/[slug].js The endpoint works fine when I call it when running. But as a test i get the full error:
(0 , _slug.handler) is not a function
TypeError: (0 , _slug.handler) is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/username/git/org/my-framework-api/src/tests/api/cdol/leaders/[slug].test.js:69:30)
  at Promise.then.completed (/Users/username/git/org/my-framework-api/node_modules/jest-circus/build/utils.js:298:28)


// /src/pages/api/cdol/leaders/[slug].js
import { withApiAuthRequired } from “@auth0/nextjs-auth0”;
const handler = withApiAuthRequired(async function handle(req, res) { … });

export default handler;

// /src/tests/api/cdol/leaders/[slug].test.js import { handler ] from "…/…/…/…/pages/api/cdol/leaders/[slug]

it(“simple happy path”, async () => {
… //setup mocks include req

const result = await handler(req) });

Hi @harris.johnny,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Is the line (0 , _slug.handler) somewhere in your code? I’m not familiar with this in the context of Auth0.

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