Twitch Sign on using Depricated Kraken API - showing "gone" when users try to sign in

Update 3: So after reviewing Twitch Social Integration doesn't work for new Applications - #12 by konrad.sopala it seems like the newest SSO twitch widget has the issue fixed but requires the users who have the old one to delete their SSO connection and re-add it. I’m hesitant to do this because when I go to delete the connection it says " * This will permanently delete the twitch Social Connection and all of its users." – Twitch users account for a good 30+% of our userbase and I’m worried that this means the accounts will be deleted from the tenant and we’ll be up pooper creek without a paddle.

I’m doing a quick backup of my users via the user import/export extension just in case but can I get confirmation from Auth0 staff as to what the “delete all of it’s users” entails and how I can keep all my users in one place/mitigate the deletion so all my previous users can still sign in with the new API/SSO implementation?