Trying to update session cookies to have new Access Token and Refresh Token

I have been trying to update the session cookies with the ‘@auth0/nextjs-auth0’ package, but I have yet to find anything that would help with it. Right now I am able to check if the access token is expired before calling getAccessToken and it uses the refresh token and gives the new access token. Just can’t figure out how to update the cookie to hold the new values so when I call getSession it doesn’t return the old information.

To update the session cookies with the @auth0/nextjs-auth0 package, you need to follow these steps:

Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed by running:
npm install @auth0/nextjs-auth0
In your Next.js application, create a file (e.g., auth0.js) and configure the Auth0Provider with the required parameters. For example:
In your Next.js application, create a file (e.g., auth0.js) and configure the Auth0Provider with the required parameters. For example:
// auth0.js

import { Auth0Provider } from ‘@auth0/nextjs-auth0’;

export default function Auth0ProviderWrapper({ children }) {
return (


Wrap your application’s main component with the Auth0ProviderWrapper you just created in the _app.js file:
// _app.js

import Auth0ProviderWrapper from ‘…/path/to/auth0.js’;

export default function App({ Component, pageProps }) {
return (

<Component {…pageProps} />

In the example above, the updateSessionCookie function serializes the new token set into a JSON string and sets the session cookie with the updated values. Make sure to pass the res object (response object) to the updateSessionCookie function so that it can set the cookie header correctly.

By updating the session cookie with the new token values, subsequent calls to getSession will retrieve the updated information instead of the old values.
I hope this helps you.