I am building a web app that utilizes react as the front end (SPA) and flask as the back end. I have a route in my backend that I am trying to protect with auth0. In order to do this I followed auth0’s backend quick start for python: Auth0 Python API SDK Quickstarts: Add Authorization to a Flask API application. I copied all the necessary code and here is what my main.py and validator.py look like now.
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
from authlib.oauth2.rfc7523 import JWTBearerTokenValidator
from authlib.jose.rfc7517.jwk import JsonWebKey
class Auth0JWTBearerTokenValidator(JWTBearerTokenValidator):
def __init__(self, domain, audience):
issuer = f"https://{domain}/"
jsonurl = urlopen(f"{issuer}.well-known/jwks.json")
public_key = JsonWebKey.import_key_set(
super(Auth0JWTBearerTokenValidator, self).__init__(
self.claims_options = {
"exp": {"essential": True},
"aud": {"essential": True, "value": audience},
"iss": {"essential": True, "value": issuer},
from os import environ as env
from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
from authlib.integrations.flask_oauth2 import ResourceProtector
from validator import Auth0JWTBearerTokenValidator
require_auth = ResourceProtector()
validator = Auth0JWTBearerTokenValidator(
"{my domain}",
"{my api identifier that I created through auth0}"
@app.route("/create_listing", methods=["POST"])
def create_listing():
#create listing code here
I also had to update my front end code as well and here are my main.jsx and create_post.jsx
main.jsx: only showing the changed part
domain={my domain}
clientId={my client id}
redirect_uri: window.location.origin,
audience: {the identifier for the api I created on auth0},
scope: "create:listing",
<RouterProvider router={router} />
</React.StrictMode >,
This part of the code is essentially getting the access token and then sending the form data with the access token in the header.
try {
const accessToken = await getAccessTokenSilently({
authorizationParams: {
audience: {my api identifier},
scope: "create:listing",
const payload = {
postDate: formattedDate,
images: fileBase64,
userSub: user.sub
const url = ""
const options = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
body: JSON.stringify(payload)
const response = await fetch(url, options)
if (response.status !== 201 && response.status !== 200) {
const data = await response.json()
setError('formError', {
message: data.message,
} else {
catch (e) {
However, every time when I go to submit, I always get “error”: “invalid_token”. I saw some other posts mention that you need to go to your api and under machine to machine applications you need to update the permissions available for your api. I did add create:listing but it still didn’t fix the issue. If anyone could offer some help, I would very much appreciate it.
Additionally, I also saw another auth0 page on creating a api with auth0 here: Flask/Python API: Authorization Code Sample. The sample code is much longer and convoluted, but when I ran the curl command I did get the message. I’m just kind of confused on which one actually works and obviously if the shorter code works, I would much rather use the shorter code.
Thanks in advance.