Startup Private Key JWT


This article clarifies whether using Private Key JWT Authentication for a Startup plan is possible.

Applies To

  • Startup plan
  • Private Key JWT


This might be confusing when the Startup plan comes with a contract.
By navigating to:

  • Auth0 Dashboard;
  • Select Tenant Settings;
  • Choose the Subscription tab.

It can be seen that the plan has Enterprise agreements.
This might confuse some of the customers who have entitlements to Enterprise subscription plans.


The Startup plan only includes the entitlements of the B2B Professional plan, which does not include Private Key JWT.

The full list of features for the B2B Professional plan is on the Pricing page.

Private Key JWT is only available for customers on the Enterprise plan. This is explained in this documentation: Configure Private Key JWT Authentication

To upgrade, contact the Sales team. They can provide better guidance in this matter. Follow this link to contact sales.


  • Before upgrading to a Self Service plan or an Enterprise plan, the Startup plan must be first decommissioned to a Free plan
  • If a Startup wants to move off the Startup plan before the contract expires, this should be done by emailing