SPA SDK unable to direct to singup/login page

Hello, I’m trying to direct my users to the signup form when they are not already registered, but it doesn’t seems to be working.

I’m using the SPA SDK and passing options like this:
onClick: () => props.loginWithRedirect({ mode: 'signUp', login_hint: email }),
I can confirm that the email hint is working but the mode property doesn’t seem to be.
How do I direct my users to the correct page?

I’m using the classic lock universal login page.


Hey there!

Can I ask you to open a GitHub issue for that so we can work on it with the auth0-spa-js SDK maintainers? Thank you! Make sure to share the link with us once you create it

Sure. Unable to direct user to either login or signup page in classic lock. · Issue #404 · auth0/auth0-spa-js · GitHub

what an url… /404 :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot I just pinged repo maintainers!

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