I have successfully integrated google and facebook into my mvc app using quick start custom login project code .
But, after the user authentication, i am getting Opaque access_token from Auth0. even though i specified audience property as mentioned below.
public IActionResult
LoginExternal(string connection,
string returnUrl = “/”)
var properties = new AuthenticationProperties() {
RedirectUri = returnUrl };if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(connection)) properties.Items.Add("connection",
“https://ronak01.auth0.com/api/v2/”);return new ChallengeResult("Auth0", properties); }
I want JWT access_token , because aft getting this token i will call dotnet core web-api which authorises the method based on JWT access_token and not opaque token
@abhishek.hingnikar , @abhishek , @prashant , @jmangelo :- can u give me some suggestion, am i missing something? I have urgency if you guys can give some suggestion it would be helpful for me.