Single Sign On - Web forms & Angular 6

Hi there,

I am working on an Angular 6 App and trying to implement Single Sign On with one of our other app built on Webforms. I have done all the recommended steps required to enable SSO across different applications as recommended in “”. If i am logged in to the webforms app the single sign on is not working for the SPA as expected, as when i click on the login it redirects me login page asking for credentials. I am calling the recommended checkSession method but it gives me error of login_required, even though i can see the cookie is set. The webform application is hosted on SSL and the SPA is on my localhost, i am not sure if that is causing the issue. Below is the code that returns login_required. Has anyone faced similar issue

audience: ‘’,
scope: ‘read:order write:order’
}, (err, authResult) => {
if (authResult && authResult.accessToken) {
console.log(‘AuthService.handleAuthentication authenticated.’)
} else if (err) {


Hey there @syed.mukhtar, first let me apologize for the delay in response.

If you are still experiencing an issue with this challenge the first step would be to snag a HAR file during the SSO breakdown. Once you obtain the HAR file please direct message it over to me and we can take a look at the details together. Be sure to select “Preserve log” to catch redirects and scrub the file of user passwords before passing, thanks!

Due to the age of the initial question I will leave it open for 10 unless i hear otherwise from you. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in the future!

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