Sign-up with pre-verified email AND social login options


This is similar to other invitation + sign-up questions, but I think there are subtle differences as we will not be using auth0’s invitation mechanism.

Basically, we would like to implement the following flow:

  1. We send an invitation link (not through Auth0)
  2. User verifies email by opening link
  3. We send user to Auth0 universal login with email address pre-filled
  4. User signs up with method of their choice, including:
  • The pre-filled email (+password), in which case the email should not be verified again
  • A different email address, in which case forced verification must take place
  • Social logins
  1. We link the source of the invitation with the newly created account on our side

Goals are:

  • User can select their sign-up/login method of choice
  • No double verification of same email address
  • If possible, no additional logic and Auth0 Management API flows on our side

Is something like that possible?

Thank you very much.