Sign Up Form - Ask for Name


I’m just getting started with Auth0 and it was really quick, however I’m trying to do something very trivial but not sure what should be the right way.
In the sign up form, I would like to ask the name; that’s it and then having that field updated in the name property of the DB.
What I have seen to happen with the out-of-the-box implementation, is that the name is filled up with the email address.

What I have been trying to do is to edit the sign up form, add the additionalSignUpFields which ends up adding a user_metadata field called name; but doesn’t seems to me the right way.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Hey there!

So the way you’re referencing here is the right approach:

When your users sign up, the custom fields are sent as part of user_metadata which you can retrieve. and process.

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