Showing authorisation error on universal page or html instead of passing it to callback


My current use case with OKTA is as follows:

  1. Created a developer tenant (without an organisation) and directly linked the client secrets with azure app service authentication.
  2. When users access my web app, the request automatically redirects to OKTA login page and after login they can access my application.

Issue Details

When an authorization error occurs, the Authorization Server returns the appropriate error and state parameters to my callback.
As a result, the error is shown as JSON on the browser. Is there a way to show this error rendered on the universal login page itself or in an HTML page?

Specific error- I have integrated email verification needed from actions to my login flow. So when the user logs in, the anauthorised error is shown as a json on the browser.

Hi Devesh,
You could build a HTML page which on receiving the callback displays or handles the errors gracefully, the callback page’s link can be configured on Tenant Settings > Error Pages
I hope this helps.

Thanks @spoudel !

Is there a way to render this error on the universal login page itself ( like we have invalid credentials which is rendered directly ) ?