Problem statement
How do we set the language of the change password widget in the classic universal login experience?
There is no option for setting the language directly. You need to define translations yourself and pass them to the widget using the dict
option as explained in this article:
From the default template:
dict: {
// passwordPlaceholder: "your new password",
// passwordConfirmationPlaceholder: "confirm your new password",
// passwordConfirmationMatchError: "Please ensure the password and the confirmation are the same.",
// passwordStrength: {
// containsAtLeast: "Contain at least %d of the following %d types of characters:",
// identicalChars: "No more than %d identical characters in a row (e.g., "%s" not allowed)",
// nonEmpty: "Non-empty password required",
// numbers: "Numbers (i.e. 0-9)",
// lengthAtLeast: "At least %d characters in length",
// lowerCase: "Lower case letters (a-z)",
// shouldContain: "Should contain:",
// specialCharacters: "Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)",
// upperCase: "Upper case letters (A-Z)"
// },
// successMessage: "Your password has been reset successfully.",
// configurationError: "An error ocurred. There appears to be a misconfiguration in the form.",
// networkError: "The server cannot be reached, there is a problem with the network.",
// timeoutError: "The server cannot be reached, please try again.",
// serverError: "There was an error processing the password reset.",
// headerText: "Enter a new password for<br />{email}",
// title: "Change Password",
// weakPasswordError: "Password is too weak."
// passwordHistoryError: "Password has previously been used."
You can use the lang
custom variable to determine the user’s language and specify the appropriate translations.
const translations = {
'en-US': {
passwordPlaceholder: "your new password",
passwordConfirmationPlaceholder: "confirm your new password",
passwordConfirmationMatchError: "Please ensure the password and the confirmation are the same.",
passwordStrength: {
containsAtLeast: "Contain at least %d of the following %d types of characters:",
identicalChars: "No more than %d identical characters in a row (e.g., \"%s\" not allowed)",
nonEmpty: "Non-empty password required",
numbers: "Numbers (i.e. 0-9)",
lengthAtLeast: "At least %d characters in length",
lowerCase: "Lower case letters (a-z)",
shouldContain: "Should contain:",
specialCharacters: "Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)",
upperCase: "Upper case letters (A-Z)"
successMessage: "Your password has been reset successfully.",
configurationError: "An error ocurred. There appears to be a misconfiguration in the form.",
networkError: "The server cannot be reached, there is a problem with the network.",
timeoutError: "The server cannot be reached, please try again.",
serverError: "There was an error processing the password reset.",
headerText: "Enter a new password for<br />{email}",
title: "Change Password",
weakPasswordError: "Password is too weak.",
passwordHistoryError: "Password has previously been used."
const lang = "{{lang}}".split(';')[0]; // e.g., en-US;q=0.5 -> en-US
const dict = translations.hasOwnProperty(lang) ? translations[lang] : translations['en-US']; // fallback to US if no translations found for language
new Auth0ChangePassword({
container: "change-password-widget-container", // required
email: "{{email | escape}}", // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
csrf_token: "{{csrf_token}}", // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
ticket: "{{ticket}}", // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
password_policy: "{{password_policy}}", // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
password_complexity_options: {{password_complexity_options}}, // DO NOT CHANGE THIS
theme: {
icon: "{{tenant.picture_url | default: '//';}}",
primaryColor: "{{tenant.colors.primary | default: '#ea5323'}}"