Sandbox Error on update email user


I use PHP application (Ezpublish/Symfony). I use Auth0 for SSO Connection and to update users informations, I called the api ( api/v2/users) with curl request :

  • For email update
  • For password update
  • For user informations update

All the services are functional for the different environments (production and pre-production). But know, without don’t touch anything, on production environment, update email generate error :

Fail to update email User : Bad Request : Sandbox Error: undefined {"email":"","email_verified":true,"connection":"Username-Password-Authentication","client_id":"********************************"}

All the others services are functional and update email in preproduction is functional too.

I don’t have any logs more explicit to explain why my request is “Bad” .

Thank’s for help

Similar to this topic, I’ve also tried to update a user’s email via the management API (PATCH request in node.js):

let options = { 
    method: 'PATCH',
    url: AUTH0_ISSUER + 'api/v2/users/' + encodeURIComponent(userID),
    headers: { 
        'authorization': `Bearer ${auth0Token.access_token}`
    body: { 
        email: email,
        connection: 'XXXXX',
        client_id: AUTH0_API_CLIENT_ID
    json: true
request(options, function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) {

And I get the same error:

{ statusCode: 400,
error: 'Bad Request',
message: 'Sandbox Error: undefined' }

I’ve tried updating user emails in the dashboard (on any tenant) I get an error here too “Sandbox Error: Email address not recognised” - the email was previously verified:

I can’t find any details about this error, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong or if tenant settings may be the issue.

Any help would be appreciated.

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@crmcginty Did you manage to resolve this? We seem to be experiencing the same issue

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Hey there!

Sorry for such delay in response! We’re doing our best in providing the best developer support experience out there, but sometimes the number of incoming questions is just too big for our bandwidth. Sorry for such inconvenience!

Do you still require further assistance from us?