SAMLLogoutRequest issue, not works everytime

I’m using Auth0 as a SAML IdP. Occasionally, I come across the following error, but it doesn’t happen every time:

No active session(s) found matching LogoutRequest

I’ve examined the user logs from the Admin User Management Console, and here’s an example where a user successfully logs in but encounters an issue when attempting to log out. I’ve reviewed the Session ID and other parameters, and they all appear to match.

Is there anything you can assist with by tracing the log_id?

Thank you,

Log detail for successfully login:

  "date": "2023-09-19T07:48:38.831Z",
  "type": "s",
  "connection": "connection",
  "connection_id": "con_yNx20jCAqcP8Fd1Z",
  "client_id": "VrzBnZ05xwaMtyw0HQ0GMP5VRMl6j1fc",
  "client_name": "connection_name",
  "ip": "",
  "user_agent": "Chrome 116.0.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.7",
  "details": {
    "prompts": [
        "name": "authenticate",
        "initiatedAt": 1695109718175,
        "completedAt": 1695109718480,
        "connection": "connection",
        "connection_id": "con_yNx20jCAqcP8Fd1Z",
        "strategy": "auth0",
        "identity": "482583",
        "stats": {
          "loginsCount": 928
        "elapsedTime": 305
        "name": "login",
        "flow": "login",
        "initiatedAt": 1695109718160,
        "completedAt": 1695109718489,
        "user_id": "auth0|482583",
        "user_name": "user_email_address",
        "timers": {
          "rules": 22
        "elapsedTime": 329
    "initiatedAt": 1695109718156,
    "completedAt": 1695109718828,
    "elapsedTime": 672,
    "actions": {
      "executions": [
    "session_id": "6pEZBhoqTfC72TWYH9lloS8C65cIP_-1",
    "stats": {
      "loginsCount": 928
  "hostname": "host_name",
  "user_id": "auth0|482583",
  "user_name": "email_address",
  "strategy": "auth0",
  "strategy_type": "database",
  "log_id": "90020230919074839347552000000000000001223372061241589802",
  "_id": "90020230919074839347552000000000000001223372061241589802",
  "isMobile": false,
  "id": "90020230919074839347552000000000000001223372061241589802",
  "description": "Successful login"

Failed to Logout:

  "date": "2023-09-19T07:48:40.182Z",
  "type": "flo",
  "description": "No active session(s) found matching LogoutRequest",
  "connection": "connection",
  "connection_id": "con_yNx20jCAqcP8Fd1Z",
  "client_id": "VrzBnZ05xwaMtyw0HQ0GMP5VRMl6j1fc",
  "client_name": "NetBase-Web",
  "ip": "",
  "user_agent": "Chrome 116.0.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.7",
  "details": {
    "return_to": "...",
    "allowed_logout_url": [
    "protocol": "samlp",
    "initiated_by": "SP",
    "session_id": "6pEZBhoqTfC72TWYH9lloS8C65cIP_-1"
  "hostname": "....",
  "user_id": "auth0|482583",
  "user_name": "...",
  "log_id": "90020230919074842499914000000000000001223372061241592220",
  "_id": "90020230919074842499914000000000000001223372061241592220",
  "isMobile": false,
  "id": "90020230919074842499914000000000000001223372061241592220"