Rule to add user_metadata attributes to user object in Authentication API not showing up

Modified the Add persistent attributes to the user rule to add phone_number attribute under user_metadata object to user object but user object received in React app does not include phone_number attribute even though it shows in the console log when debugging rule.

Here is the rule code:

function addPersistenceAttribute(user, context, callback) {
  user.user_metadata = user.user_metadata || {};
  user.user_metadata.phone_number = user.user_metadata.phone_number || '12345678';
  context.idToken.phone_number = user.user_metadata.phone_number;

    .updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
    .then(function () {
	    console.log('user:', user, 'context', context);
      callback(null, user, context);
    .catch(function (err) {

Hi @m.kuo5

What do you mean “user object”? Do you mean the ID token or something else?


Hi John,

Yeah the idToken or the user object through useAuth0 through the auth0-react package.

Can you capture the ID token and use to verify the contents? What does it show?


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