In my Node CLI I I use the auth0
package to call Auth0.
If I use the signIn method on the database login like this:
await this.authClient.database!.signIn({
username: email,
connection: ‘Username-Password-Authentication’,
When I use this tool to decode the tool:
I get back a token which doesn’t contain the custom data I added via a rule, just the basic fields
“iss”: “”,
“sub”: “auth0|5b6b2342j54355613fd40421”,
“aud”: “kcpmPE21Lc6nSJf36oneC5pxJ69Vs”,
“iat”: 1546061189,
“exp”: 1546097189
But when I use a password grant:
const asd = await this.authClient.oauth!.passwordGrant({username: email, password, realm: ‘Username-Password-Authentication’})
I get a token that decodes like this:
“”: {
“roles”: [
“importantValue”: “17”,
“claims”: [
“nickname”: “piersm”,
“name”: “”,
“picture”: “”,
“updated_at”: “2018-12-29T05:26:30.034Z”,
“email”: “”,
“email_verified”: false,
“iss”: “”,
“sub”: “auth0|5b6b57f3e5439292923fd40421”,
“aud”: “kcpmPE21Lc6nSz5yFasateC5pxJ69Vs”,
“iat”: 1546061190,
“exp”: 1546097190
But I can’t specify the audience of that request so my backend API can’t decode the token.
I’m not sure I understand the difference of what I’m doing here that is causing this. Why are there different tokens? What’s the audience?