Retriving user permission

i am using Auth0.AuthenticationApi to authenticate users but i cant find how to get the permission for the user

Hey there @gabriel.alminana welcome to the community!

Are you able to elaborate a bit here what you mean by permissions and how you are assigning these to users?

The more detailed information you can provide the better, thanks!

Hi, i have created an api on the dashboard with enable rbac and Add Permissions in the Access Token settings checked, then added 2 permission, then i create a new rol and assigned this 2 permission to the rol and then assigned the rol to the user.
then i create a console app with .net full framework 4.7.2 and added the Auth0.AuthenticationApi package and used GetTokenAsync with a ResourceOwnerTokenRequest to retrive the user token, i was expecting to have the permission in the token.

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Thanks for confirming!

Are you positive you are checking the Access token and not the ID token? The permissions array should be added to the Access token. Can you also confirm that you are passing the API identifier of the API you created in auth0 as the audience param when authorizing the user?

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