Response doesn't get redirected from CallBack controller

Hi, was trying to integrate Auth0 authentication to our existing app. For this, we are using spring security sample app. During login, request gets redirected to Auth0 application properly, after successful login it gets redirected to CallBack controller but after that whenever it tries to redirect it throws below exception, Cannot serialize; nested exception is Failed to serialize object using DefaultSerializer; nested exception is com.auth0.jwt.JWTDecoder
at ~[spring-data-redis-1.8.9.RELEASE.jar:na]
at ~[spring-data-redis-1.8.9.RELEASE.jar:na]
at ~[spring-data-redis-1.8.9.RELEASE.jar:na]

Every time it gives error like com.auth0.jwt.JWTDecoder
Is this class not serialized…?

Hey @sdeshmukh!

I have no experience in Java but I’ll try to find some info on this. In the meantime I added java and spring tags to your topic so it’s easily searchable and open for wider audience if someone has knowledge on that.

I’m having the exact same problem and have been fighting to get this working in Google AppEngine for the last couple of days. Any insight/help/fix you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Hey @pavlos.krontiras and @sdeshmukh!

I just talked with repo maintainers. Could you actually open an issue on GitHub and repaste what you’ve written here so they can look at it and help you fix it step by step?

Thank you @konrad.sopala. Just raised the issue on GitHub.

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Thanks a lot! Just pinged repo maintainers. We’ll continue communicating in that issue thread and once we establish the reason and the fix we’ll publish it here!

Can you share the link to your issue? I checked our java security sample repos and I can’t find it. Thanks a lot!

Have you seen my last message @pavlos.krontiras? Could you share the link to your issue here for better tracking and communication?

Thanks a lot for that!

Here is the link:

Thanks a lot! I’m passing it to repo maintainers to look into it! Further communication will probably be carried in the issue thread on GitHub.