Reset custom HTML code for New Universal Login page

It seems whenever I enable “Customize Login Page”, the login functionality doesn’t work. I get different errors like invalid credentials, or invalid url when trying to login. Is there a way to reset the HTML code for a custom login page, because it seems that’s where the issue is and I can’t identify it.
I also receive this warning message:

One or more of your Universal Login pages are currently using custom HTML which override the New Universal Login experience.

when enabling Customize login and I’m not sure how to fix it.

Hey there!

Can you verify that once you enable Customize Login Page you immediately start getting those errors? Are you talking about mobile or web? If web can you record a HAR file for me regarding the whole flow so we can see what is happening behind the scenes of the browser? Here’s the guide how to do it:

Hey there!

Have you had a chance to see my previous message?