Request to Update Certificates / Certificate Expiration for SAML Dashboard SSO Integrations


The setup of a Dashboard SSO SAML connection to an enterprise identity provider includes configuring a signing certificate that eventually expires. Auth0 does not enforce the certificate expiration, so it can be used past its expiration date. However, the certificate rotation can be requested via Support.

Applies To

  • Certificate rotation
  • Update Certificates
  • Certificate Expiration


The certificate rotation can be requested via a Support ticket.

To complete this task, the following information must be provided in advance:
The new signing certificate.
A tentative date/time when the requestor will be available to make the change.
An exact date/time must be coordinated with the Support team to make the change at the same time and avoid momentary access disruptions for the Dashboard admins.

Configuring more than one certificate at any given time is not supported.