Redirect URI issue after successful login with @auth0/auth0-angular


It looks like what is happening is expected.
Our Angular SDK is configured to work as follows:

  • User initiates login by calling loginWithRedirect
  • User is redirected to Auth0, including a redirectUri (in this case /callback)
  • User is, after succesful authentication, redirected back to the provided redirectUri (in this case /callback)
  • The callback URL is used only to process code and state in order to retrieve an actual token
  • The user is then redirected again to /

However, if you want to not be redirected back to / in the very last step, but instead they want the user to end up at a different URL, they can do so by providing that information to loginWithRedirect() :

  appState: { target: '/some-url' }

By doing that, in the very last step the SDK will not redirect the user back to / , but to /some-url instead (see

I record the current path in local storage before calling this.authService.loginWithRedirect()

There is no need for doing this. If you provide that route to { appState: { target: ''}}, our SDK will store it in Session Storage for you.