Redirect to a dynamic url address after logout?

I use @auth0/auth0-react v2.2.4. The app I’m building has dynamic pages that have various entity IDs in the URL. It means I cannot have them listed as Allowed Logout URLs.

After a user logs out, I want to show them the login page with the ?redirectTo= value equal to the address they log out from. So when they log in again, they will see the page they were logged out from.

How do I achieve that?

Hi @serhii.holinei

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

Thank you for posting your question, we have a dedicated doc page about your problem with dynamic parameters which you can find here → Log Users Out of Auth0 with OIDC Endpoint

The OIDC Logout endpoint parses query string parameters in the URL provided to the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter.

You must include these query string parameters in your Allowed Logout URLs, or the logout request may be denied.

For example, if you pass to the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter (encoded as, you must include in your Allowed Logout URLs.


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