I use @auth0/auth0-react v2.2.4. The app I’m building has dynamic pages that have various entity IDs in the URL. It means I cannot have them listed as Allowed Logout URLs.
After a user logs out, I want to show them the login page with the ?redirectTo= value equal to the address they log out from. So when they log in again, they will see the page they were logged out from.
Thank you for posting your question, we have a dedicated doc page about your problem with dynamic parameters which you can find here → Log Users Out of Auth0 with OIDC Endpoint
The OIDC Logout endpoint parses query string parameters in the URL provided to the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter.
You must include these query string parameters in your Allowed Logout URLs, or the logout request may be denied.
For example, if you pass https://example.com/logout?myParam=1234 to the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter (encoded as https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Flogout%3FmyParam%3D1234), you must include https://example.com/logout?myParam in your Allowed Logout URLs.