RAG and Access Control: Where Do You Start?

Generative AI is everywhere, and since not every user has access to all data, learn how to use retrieval-augmented generation with fine-grained authorization to ensure that private information stays private.
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:writing_hand:t2: Brought to you by @jesstemporal

Comments, concerns, or just want to share an opinion about it? I’m all ears and eyes (to read them)! :smiling_face:

Hello @robertino.calcaterra,
You’re right! With generative AI being so prevalent, it’s vital to safeguard private information. Using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) with fine-grained authorization (FGA) ensures that data access is tightly controlled. This approach allows the system to provide accurate responses while keeping sensitive information secure. It’s a smart way to balance the benefits of AI with the need to protect private data.

Best regards,
Jennifer Block