Query about integrating Auth0 with Google in React Native

Hi everyone!,

I need your help with a question I have.

I am developing a mobile application with React Native and have implemented Auth0 with Google connection. I have created an account on Google Cloud Console to obtain the client ID and client secret. The problem I see is that in Google Cloud Console, under the OAuth consent screen, if I want to publish it in production, it needs to be verified and asks me for:

  • App domain
    • Provide users with a link to your homepage
    • Provide users with a link to your public Privacy Policy page

In addition to not having that information because it is a mobile application with React Native, the application is logically not yet published on the Play Store…

So, I would like to know the procedure to obtain a login in React Native Expo with Auth0 using Google connection and have it verified.

If I do not create the application in Google Cloud Console to obtain the client ID and client secret, an alert will appear in the login indicating it is a development environment… If I create the client ID and client secret in Google and do not publish it in production, I will get an alert that it is not verified, plus a limit of 100 users.

Can you please help me with this question?

Best regards.