Push Data to External Endpoint within Actions


This article is for the admins who need to push Action data like values, console logs, and user information to an external endpoint for product integrations or other requirements.

Applies To

  • Axios
  • Action


The solution for this type of issue is the use of HTTP Requests within the Action. (E.g., using Axios Framework)

An Axios dependency can be added to the Action to allow the creation of HTTP post requests on external endpoints for data transfer. This data can be managed after being received to integrate auth0 with other products, save data, troubleshoot actions, or process it further.

Example of an Action that uses Axios:

exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
  const axios = require('axios');
  const namespace = 'https://myapp-example.com';;
  const url = 'https://YOUR_URL';;
  const options = {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  const data = {
    username: event.user.username, 
    email: event.user.email
  var response = await axios.post(url, data, options);


  • Axios is just one of many libraries that can be used for making HTTP requests. It is not the solution itself but a tool that facilitates the solution.
  • It’s crucial to limit the number of HTTP requests as much as possible. Excessive requests can significantly slow down the login process and may lead to timeouts or outages for users. Ensure that the implementation is optimized and only makes necessary requests.
  • Incorporate proper error handling in the code to manage potential issues with the HTTP requests. This includes handling network errors, server errors, and other unexpected issues that may arise during the data transfer process.

By following these guidelines, it is possible to effectively use Axios in the Auth0 Actions to handle HTTP post requests while maintaining performance and reliability.