Profile did not include an user_id. Make sure your user_id mapping points to the correct property

Hi Team,

We are getting “Profile did not include an user_id. Make sure your user_id mapping points to the correct property” error while setting up a SAML connection with IDP: ADFS

We tried to check Auth0 Documentation and troubleshooting Guide but didn’t find anything with the exact error, could you please help?

Incoming Claim Type : E-Mail Address
Outgoing Claim Type: Name ID

Thank you

Hi @shagrawal

Welcome to the Auth0 Community.

It would seem from the error message that there is no user_id being mapped to the user profile. If you navigate to the SAML connection in your dashboard, and select “Mapping”, would you be able to try adding something along the lines of this:

 "user_id": [
 "email": ""

For profile attribute problems, there are a few other troubleshooting steps we recommend here:

Warm regards