Pre User Registration - Cannot get user IP address

I have a rule that refuses users’ registration from a range of IP addresses
I created a [Pre Registration hook]
However, I cannot get the user IP address from [Pre Registration hook]. Is there any way to get a user context request IP address or GeoIP from [Pre-registration hook] as Rules and [Send Phone Message hook] did?

I realized that you are supporting to get user IP address from [Send Phone Message hook] already. So could you please support this for [Pre Registration hooks] too?

Hey there! It seems that you asked that using multiple channels. Our team responsible for Rules and Hooks is already looking into that. Once they share their point of view, I’ll share it here. Thanks!

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Hey there!

Still waiting for the response from the team but I just pinged them so should have it later today!

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Many thanks for your enthusiastic help. I really hope that is possible

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No worries! We’re here for you! I’ll let you know once I hear back from them

I’m sorry but how about the progress?

Hey there!

Let me reping the team as I have no response for now. Sorry for the delay!

Hey there!

Sorry once more for the delay. I just got the info from the responsible team.

This feature request have been put into our backlog and the team will attempt to address it before the end of Q2. Initial assessment is that we will likely support IP address only and not the GeoIP.

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I really appreciate, please give me a thank to the development team, and thank you!

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No worries! We’re here for you!

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Hey there! The team responsible for the feature just updated me that they rolled out the support with context.ip.address in pre-user-registration hook.