Postman - Create Users: "Connection must be enabled for this client to perform single user creation and signup operations"

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Hi there!

I’m trying to automate the creation of more than one User using Postman Runs.

I start by sending a POST request as client_credentials hitting a M2M application with the Auth0 Management API enabled. I receive the token to perform operations.

I’m able to perform GET requests, so the token is valid and I have validated it in Permissions are there to create users too.

When I try to create users to upload them to our Username-Password- Authentication database using the provided token, I get this error:

{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"Connection must be enabled for this client to perform single user creation and signup operations (client_id: xxxx - connection: Username-Password-Authentication)","errorCode":"auth0_idp_error"}

This solution doesn’t help me as the application’s ID (client_id: xxxx) is a M2M application where the Auth0 Management API is enabled and there are no Connections.

Also, checked this post, but not sure how it can help me.

The M2M Application in question (client_id: xxxx) is authorized in ApplicationsAPIsAuth0 Management APIMachine To Machine Applications tab.

And the Auth0 Management API is authorized in the M2M Application (client_id: xxxx) - ApplicationsApplications → The M2M App in question → APIs

Any help, greatly appreciated!

@rueben.tiow you seem to know a bit about this topic! :smiley:

Hi @luis.gamez,

To enable the connection for your M2M application, I recommend going to your Dashboard → Authentication → Database → Username-Password- Authentication → Applications tab and selecting your M2M application from there.

Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!


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Thanks, @rueben.tiow

Totally missed that!