Post User Registration Hook not called after Google OAuth Sign-Up

I have a custom hook that runs successfully when a user signs up using the email, username, and password but it does not run when a user signs up using google-oauth2 connection type. My custom hook basically calls another API and passes some of the user’s sign up data. I set up my client id and client secret with google-oauth2 so I’m not using development keys. Is there something i can configure so that the post registration hook will run whether a user sign up using email/username/password and the Oauth2 sign-up?

Pre/Post-User-Reg-Hooks are only triggered for database connections, not social connections. You should use a Rule instead and check if it’s the first login of that user (context.stats.loginsCount), then call that other API from within the Rule.


That worked. Thank you.


Glad you have it working now!

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