Post User Registration actions run after passwordless user login

I think I’m experiencing this with the SMS passwordless authentication. My post user registration action creates a record in a database with a field storing the ID of the Auth0 user profile. There is a unique constraint on the value of this field in the database. When I log in with a previously logged in user there is evidence that the post user registration action runs because Auth0 monitoring logs the “Failed Post User Registration Hook” event which occurs because the unique constraint of the ID was violated and the database responds to the action runner with an error. This behaviour seems in contrary to the documentation (emphasis mine):

Actions Triggers: post-user-registration

The post-user-registration triggers runs after a user has been created for a Database or Passwordless connection.

Post User Registration Flow

Is there a way to bump a Community Engineer to respond? I see this issue was first reported over 6 months ago in July 2021 and I’m the only one to reply.