Please add a "Back to" button when enrolling MFA using a ticket in New Universal Login


Please add a “Back to” button when enrolling MFA using a ticket in New Universal Login.


We are currently using the Create An Email Verification Ticket Management API Endpoint to allow the user to choose when to verify their email/resend email verification emails. We would have liked to use the equivalent ticket endpoint for MFA enrollment as well but when experimenting with this we noticed that once the user has finished enrolling in MFA there is no button that when clicked redirects the user back to the app.

This was a dealbreaker for us so we are instead using a different solution involving setting user metadata via the management API and an action that enforces MFA if this metadata property is set.

I am aware through reading other posts on here that it is possible to redirect the user back to the app after enrolling in MFA by using custom HTML for the MFA page, but this then downgrades the page to use Classic Universal Login instead, which is also a dealbreaker for us.

A redirect button is included in the Email Verification ticket (screenshots below) so to me it would make sense to include it for the MFA enrollment ticket as well.

Enrollment successful screen for MFA

Email verification successful screen.

Hey there!

Thanks for creating this feedback card! Make sure to upvote it so that it gets as many votes as possible. We review those feedback cards on a monthly basis and will let you know once we have any updates on that front!

We have the same issue that MFA screens do not have the option to add a back button