We are using the classic universal login for our PHP app and it’s working fine !
However, we have a migration project to next.js and we planned to have page by page release. Of course we want that this to be as seamless as possible for the users.
Ours apps are on the same domain and use the same tenant, of course, but different credentials (client ID etc…).
We thought the next/auth0 and PHP Auth0 sdk works the same way and we would be able to achieve a smooth SSO but finally the cookies are very different. So even if we use the same cookie_name, a user can be connected on one app and not the other. For the user, it looks like he’s connected in one page and not the other.
What’s the best strategy to adopt in this situation ?
Hello @rueben.tiow and thank you for you response,
For the moment, we don’t plan to move from the Classic Universal Login since we use the same for page both apps and because we still need a highly customize UI.
Is there a way to achieve SSO without opting for the new Universal Login ?
You should still be able to customize the UI highly using the New Universal Login experience. Our Universal Login vs. Classic Login documentation mentions this.
Additionally, it looks like Classic Universal Login does not support SSO and Silent Authentication as mentioned in our this documentation.