I am getting the Access Token with the below code, but the part of payload is blank. How can I fix?
const token = await getAccessTokenSilently({
audience: "API Audience",
scope: "read:current_user",
I am getting the Access Token with the below code, but the part of payload is blank. How can I fix?
const token = await getAccessTokenSilently({
audience: "API Audience",
scope: "read:current_user",
Hey @akira3213 welcome to the community!
Are you attempting to get a Management API token for a SPA?
@tyf Yes. I am attempting to get a managemetn API token for a SPA.
Iād appreciate if someone helps me to solve.
Hey @akira3213 !
Are you passing the audience of your Management API? It should look something like https://{your_domain}.us.auth0.com/api/v2/
@tyf Yes, audiece is set in this way. Is there any possible cause or steps I need to do?
Interesting - What does your initial /authorize
request look like? That is, prior to calling getAccessTokenSilently
what does your request and subsequent token(s) look like?