Passwordless flow using auth0-js does not work! Documentation is wrong too

Based on the conversation here (`state` does not match - #2 by nicolas_sabena), i can see why i am getting the state does not match error.

Issue is, Auth0 requires the passwordless flow to be started on server (see Passwordless connection not working for tenants created after Jan 2, 2020 - #6 by thameera) otherwise you could get “Client authentication is required”.

In other words:

  • if i start the passwordflow on server side, i get ``state does not match because obviously client doesn’t have the state.
  • i cannot start the passwordless flow on client side because call to /passwordless/start requires client secret along side client id. If i don’t supply the client secret and try to start the passwordless flow on client side, i get Client authentication is required.

Would appreciate any help i can in solving this @thameera @andres.aguiar @konrad.sopala @nicolas_sabena