Password Reset Flow

I’ve been working on a custom action to use in the Password Reset Flow. I am no longer able to see it as one of the available Flows. Has it been removed for some reason?

Hi @nik.clarkson !

Thanks for reporting this! The flow should be back during the next release (later today or tomorrow).

Apologies for inconvenience!

This Flow option came back late last week and is now gone again. Is there any way to get any sort of update or notification that this sort of thing is happening?

Beyond the interruption to current work streams, this is concerning that any feature might be disabled at anytime without warning. If this is some sort of ‘preview’ feature then it should be labeled as such so teams aren’t building solutions dependent on it.

This is very valid feedback @nik.clarkson.
The Password Reset flow action is currently removed because of a setback. I will post once we receive a recommendation. Once again apologies for the incidence!