Password expiry using 'Password Rotation' plugin nextjs context, better approach?

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Hi folks,

Following this link, Force a Password Reset after a Specific Number of Days’, I’ve ‘successfully’ implemented a solution in NextJS v14 with Typescript, but it feels a bit hacky, so wondering if anyone else has used the ‘Password Rotation’ plugin with NextJS v14+ differently and successfully?

Here, for reference, is a stripped down version of my app/api/auth/[auth0]/route.ts file

import {
} from '@auth0/nextjs-auth0';
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';

export const GET = handleAuth({
  callback: async (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => {
    // This try/catch code is needed to support the auth0 'password rotation' plugin.
    // The plugin can found in auth0 Actions -> Triggers -> Post Login.
    // The plugin throws an error if password has expired which we then need to catch.
    try {
      const callbackOptions = {
        afterCallback(req2: NextApiRequest, session: Session) {
          return session;
      } as unknown as CallbackOptions;

      const resp = await handleCallback(req, res, callbackOptions);

      return resp;
    } catch (error: any) {
      const cbErr = error as unknown as CallbackHandlerError;
      const cbErrCause = cbErr.cause as unknown as IdentityProviderError;

      const headers = req.headers as unknown as Headers;
      const redirectRootUrl = `${headers.get('x-forwarded-proto') || ''}://${headers.get('x-forwarded-host')}`;

      let redirectErrorParams = '';

      // the 'access_denied' and 'password has expired' values relate to the
      // Password Rotation plugin (see above)
      if (
        cbErr.status === 400 &&
        cbErr.code === 'ERR_CALLBACK_HANDLER_FAILURE' &&
        cbErrCause.error === 'access_denied' &&
        cbErrCause.errorDescription === 'password has expired'
      ) {
        redirectErrorParams = `error=${cbErrCause.error}&error_description=${cbErrCause.errorDescription}`;
      } else {
        redirectErrorParams = `error=${}&error_description=${cbErr.message}`;
      return NextResponse.redirect(

Note that in NextJs app, I have a route /error which handles the redirect with the parameters referenced above.

So has anyone else used this plugin, particularly with NextJS v14+ and Typescript, and if so, what approach did you take?

Thank you in advance,


Hi @noelt.dolan,

Using the Password Rotation action integration is the recommended way to enforce a password change for your end users after X number of days.

In the context of Next.js, this is valid and should work with any of our SDKs.

Was there anything specific that you were encountering issues with?


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