Passing extra parameters via @auth0/auth0-vue to New Universal Login template

I am trying to pass in extra parameters so that they will flow through into I cannot seem to get my calls to loginWithRedirect to effect the authorize call in any way. I have tried several different iterations, but here is one for refernce:

    const { loginWithRedirect } = useAuth0();
    await loginWithRedirect({
        appState: {
            target: '/',
        "ext-rentprep": true,

Any advice?

Hi @eric.zarko.

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Yes, it should be possible. Please refer to our Using Custom Query Parameters in the New Universal Login Experience knowledge solution for more information.


@rueben.tiow this does not answer my question. My question is why is loginWithRedirect not appending my custom params?

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I figured this out. I needed to use “authorizationParams”.

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