Passing CDATA as custom SAML data using rules

hey, I’m performing and IDP-initiated-flow using AWS Cognito <> Auth0 <> SP
and would like to transfer CDATA for each specific user, dependent on the data it has received from cognito

I have Rule to support static data with mappings (see below)

And would like to pass CDATA which includes multiple attributes, something like that:

<saml:Attribute Name="ApplicationData" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:basic">
  <Data Name="FirstName"/>
  <Data Name="Phone"/>

my user comes with this data:

    "first_name": "",
    "phone_number": "+12345678",

but not sure how can I transfer this data via rule?

  context.samlConfiguration.mapUnknownClaimsAsIs = true;
  context.samlConfiguration.mapIdentities = false;
  context.samlConfiguration.mappings = {
     "": "email",
     "":       "email",
    "": "cognito:username",

was thinking maybe something like that?
user.application_data = [user.phone_number, user.first_name];
then map it on the SamlConfiguration – but it won’t create multiple attributes.

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